The platform interfaces with existing medical billing, EMR, EHR and EDI systems to ensure provider claims are submitted clean the first time, every time. Payors can integrate VEWS™ with existing A/P systems (i.e. EPIC’s Tapestry) to improve auto-adjudication with real-time code review.
With 45 million core, non-frivolous CMS, AMA and Medicaid edits, VEWS™ automatically examines each line item and reports back errors, omissions, suspicious and dubious coding to interfaced medical billing, EMR, EHR and EDI systems. VEWS™ gives medical software systems immediate, real-time feedback related to line item claim/bill issues on unbundling, mutually exclusive, incidental procedures, multi-dimensional duplicate checks, modifier applicability, multiple/bilateral procedure reductions, and more.
VEWS™ is a powerful enhancement tool for software vendor applications targeting at-risk claims payment, facility/professional billings or bill submission. The VEWS™ advanced analytics engine is the power behind PCG’s software suite Virtual Examiner®, VirtualAuthTech® and iVECoder®. In the last 25 years, more than 100 payor organizations have employed PCG’s claim auditing tools.