Several CPT® codes used for therapy modalities, procedures, and tests and measurements specify that direct (one-on-one) time spent with the patient is 15 minutes.
Services provided for a single timed CPT® code that is less than 8 minutes should not be billed.
The CPT code is reported for the time actually spent in the delivery of the modality requiring constant attendance and therapy services. Pre- and post-delivery services are not to be counted in determining the treat-ment service time. The time counted is the time the patient is treated.
When more than one service represented by 15-minute timed codes is performed in a single day, the total number of minutes of service determines the number of timed units billed. New: If performing a single 15-minute code, three times a week, submit a line item for each date of service, reporting the units per-formed each day.
Effective with claims received on and after April 19, 2021, claims will be rejected if the timed codes aren’t reported for each date of services on a single line.