Andria Jacobs, RN, MS, CEN, CPHQ
The emphasis on holding individuals acccountable for corporate malfeasance has received support from top Department of Justice officials since the change in administration.
Companies settle with the government all the time for various alleged offenses. In nearly all instances, the company rarely admits guilt. However, in the wake of the 2015 so-called “Yates memo” written by former Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates, US Department of Justice (DOJ) officials appear to be looking more closely at individual responsibility when conducting investigations.
Five of the 6 platforms outlined in the memo deal in some way with the prosecution of individuals. And while the memo does not carry the rule of law, such guidance is generally taken seriously. One could imagine that a Republican administration would ease individual enforcement, but top DOJ officials have repeatedly expressed support for holding individuals responsible for corporate malfeasance.