Lubao brings 30 years of group practice, managed care and information systems experience to the role of chief executive officer for PCG Software, Inc. Lubao uses his extensive knowledge of health plans and other payers, Independent Physician Association (IPA) operations, office billing, medical coding and programming to create customized applications for PCG Software’s customers.
Before founding PCG, Lubao spent 15 years running the managed care operations, business office functions and information systems of several medical groups and IPAs, including Barnes, Jewish & Christian, Monarch Health Systems, HealthWest, UniHealth, PacifiCare, CareAmerica, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Kaiser Permanente, MedGroup Management TPA and Axminster Medical Group.
He combined this experience with work at several software development houses where he wrote the source code for MediComp, Physmark, Zybex and two other managed care applications, including add-on modules for EZ-CAP. In addition, Lubao has taught software and programming classes at the University of California, Los Angeles.