Cybersecurity Worries Drive Healthcare Costs
From Andria Jacobs, COO of PCG Software’s new piece for American Journal of Managed Care featured on August 20, 2017:…
From Andria Jacobs, COO of PCG Software’s new piece for American Journal of Managed Care featured on August 20, 2017:…
When the guidance from CMS was released last year on billing for Provider-Based Departments, we were staggered by the complexity…
You may remember last year Tenet Healthcare settling federal fraud charges related to Medicaid maternity claims at 2 hospitals. The…
You’re surely aware that the Quality Payment Program (QPP) is the centerpiece of MACRA, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization…
A new survey from NPR-Truven Health Analytics shows that 57% of respondents have been prescribed a narcotic painkiller at some…
Minimum MACRA: The Merit Based Incentive Path in CMS’s Quality Payment Program PCG Software has just released a new white…